General presentation > Call for paper

1st Circular


The 4th Meeting of the Association for Ground Stone Tools Research

” Anthropological insights

into Ground Stone technologies”


26-28 April 2023

Paris (France)



Dear Colleagues,


The University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne and the French Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) are pleased to invite you to the 4th meeting of the Association of Ground Stone Tools Research. The meeting aims to bring together researchers from different fields: Archaeology, Anthropology, Ethnography, Geology, Archaeobotany, Archaeological Sciences and all researchers interested in the study of ground stone tools from all over the world.

The 4th AGSTR meeting offers insights into the general topic: "Anthropological insights into ground stone tools technologies". Because of the key role of ground stone tools in many aspects of daily life, from food processing to craft production, their study offers an important contribution to our knowledge of the technological systems, behaviors and choices of past and present communities worldwide.

This meeting will specifically focus on anthropological questions in order to shed light on economics and social organization. How do GST studies contribute to reconstructing the organization of production and the distribution of tasks by age, gender, social and cultural groups? Levels of know-how and skills, as well as different types of apprenticeship, can be explored, from the acquisition of raw materials to the production and use of tools. How can we approach dissemination of technical knowledge in prehistoric and historic times, using archaeological remains, texts or current research? What methods, including technological and functional analysis, enable a detailed discussion on these questions?

Following the original aims of the AGSTR, all contributions dealing with the origin, technology, use-wear and residue analysis or other aspects are welcome to discuss this topic from prehistoric to historic times.


Duration and expected dates: 26-28 April 2023


Location: The conference will take place at the Institute of History of Art (INHA) and the Pantheon-Sorbonne University in Paris.


Oral contributions: Oral contributions will be 15 minutes long followed by a 5 minutes discussion.


Poster presentation: Poster presentations are also welcome.


Abstracts: An abstract of approx. 300 words + 5 keywords (including author’s details and institutional affiliation) should be submitted via the dedicated website (to be accessible soon).


Language: English is the official language for the Conference.


Deadline for submitting abstracts: 15th December 2022.


Deadline for registration: 15th February 2023


Workshop fees: to be announced



Looking forward to welcoming you to Paris!


For the Organizing Committee,

Caroline Hamon and Haris Procopiou

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